Our goal at Porter Brauen Property Management is to free you from the day-to-day management tasks while feeling confident that your property and tenants are getting the care that is needed.
We are here to help you through every step of the Rental Management Process.
You pay nothing if your property is not rented, all fees are collected after rent and deposits are processed.
We charge a leasing fee of ½ months rent and a monthly management fee equaling 10% of gross rent proceeds. No management cost will accrue while the property is vacant.
If you answered “no” to any of the above questions, it might be prudent to hire a professional management team. The cost of one bad decision could more than offset the cost of hiring a professional manager to help you avoid the pitfalls of rental property ownership.
If you have any questions please call Jenifer at 503-914-0717 or
download our Commonly Asked Questions.